Past years have witnessed an increased engagement in developing participatory strategies on the advancement of women. Within the same vein, countries are also working on developing strategies that are exclusive to address the specific issues, i.e. strategies to combat violence against women. However, there has been rising concern about the efficacy of developing many strategies that are overlapping.
Some countries are now adopting a new modus operandi where less strategies are developed, and more rigorous and participatory effort that would provide a national vision, articulated in one comprehensive strategy and explore detailed actions in work plans that help in achieving the strategic goals.
In this context, the Jordanian Commission for Women and partners are organizing a side event to discuss good practices on linkages between national comprehensive strategies and specific strategies to address specific issues.
Event Objectives
The side event is designed to:
- Create a forum to show case and discuss good practices in developing national strategies for the advancement of women and addressing their particular needs.
- Discuss the pros and cons for separate strategies vs. comprehensive national strategies (look into areas of financing, duplication etc.).